When I was a student in the sciences, some semesters my books cost more than my tuition. Even if I purchased most of my books secondhand, they cost an arm and a leg.
Sure, I could often get some of the money back when reselling them, but the campus bookstore would buy them back at only pennies on the dollar, and it was a hassle to track down other students to sell the books to when my course was done. And I was completely out of luck if the textbooks I bought weren’t used the next semester. Nobody would buy them back, and they ended up becoming very expensive dust collectors.
Sure, I could often get some of the money back when reselling them, but the campus bookstore would buy them back at only pennies on the dollar, and it was a hassle to track down other students to sell the books to when my course was done. And I was completely out of luck if the textbooks I bought weren’t used the next semester. Nobody would buy them back, and they ended up becoming very expensive dust collectors. When I needed help to write an essay or complete assignments more effectively,
I found the essay writing service EssayPro help me write an essay could be invaluable. It was a relief to have support with my writing, as I juggled the high costs of course materials.
Campus Book Rentals Review
The concept is simple: students rent their books online, and return them when they’re done. Shipping is free both ways, and students can even highlight in the textbooks. Students save 40 to 90% off bookstore prices, and the rental periods are flexible. They even have 30 days to return books (just in case they drop a course or find they don’t need the book).
It’s so nice to see that today’s students have much better options.
For every textbook rented, CampusBookRentals.com gives a donation to Operation Smile, a wonderful volunteer-based charity that volunteer-based provides free cleft palate surgeries to children in need.
For students who’ve already purchased textbooks, CampusBookRentals.com has started a new program, called RentBack. RentBack lets students to rent the textbooks they own to other students. Over time, this can make students two to four times more money compared to selling their books back at the end of the semester.
Check out these two videos to learn a little more about CampusBookRentals.comand their new RentBack program.
This post was sponsored by CampusBookRentals.com, but all opinions are, as always, our own.