Best Family Movies and Shows to Watch on Netflix Canada this Halloween #StreamTeam

by M Caroline
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 the best family movies and shows to watch on Netflix Canada this Hallowee

Here it is: our list of the best family movies and shows to watch on Netflix Canada this Halloween.

Halloween is a big deal in our house. We decorate, carve pumpkins, make spooky treats, Trick or Treat geared up in costumes (adults too!), and generally just have a really fun time.

We take Halloween seriously.

Well, as seriously as we can take a holiday that generally sees us dressed up in goofy outfits eating copious amounts of candy.

In the spirit of doing Halloween right, we sat down with the kiddos to make playlists of our favorite Halloween movies and shows on Netflix Canada.

You’ll find playlists for little kids (age 7 and under), age 8 to 10 (because our almost 8-year-old insisted she was “too big” to watch the little kid movies), pre-teen/tweens (because some of our 11-year-old’s picks were a little too scary for his 8 year old sister), teens (because, well, they’re a force of their own), and adults.

Now, full disclosure here, I’m well over my teens, but I’m probably too much of a wimp to watch most of the titles on the adults’ list. Well, except for The Walking Dead and Supernatural, mostly because those are two of the best TV shows around these days. So, you’ll probably be able to find me watching Hotel Transylvania while waiting for Trick or Treaters.

Here they are!

Best Family Movies and Shows to Watch on Netflix Canada this Halloween

Now, Netflix has a huge library with hundreds of spooky titles, so we’ve narrowed down this list to what we think are the best, age-appropriate TV shows and movies for Halloween.

We used Netflix’s ratings to help us decide where we were unsure on age categories, and our own discretion as well.

So enjoy, you’re bound to find a great Halloween title below.
Best Family Movies and Shows to Watch on Netflix Canada this Halloween

Little Kids

Casper’s Scare School

Children’s Favorites: Halloween Treats

Power Rangers Party Monsters Halloween Special

Dreamworks Spooky Stories

Dreamworks Spooky Stories  2

Masha’s Spooky Stories

Age 8 to 10

Hotel Transylvania

The Little Ghost

The Nightmare before Christmas * this may be too intense for some kids

Dreamworks Spooky Stories 2 and 1

Pac’s Scary Halloween

Casper’s Scare School

Monster High: Scaris City of Frights

Alvin and the Chipmunks meet Wolfman




Scooby-Doo Moon Monster Madness

Scooby-Doo Music of the Vampire

A Monster in Paris

Wallace and Grommit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit




Ghostbusters 2

Vampire Diaries

Vampire Academy

The Sixth Sense


Scream Queen

Paranormal Activity 5: The Ghost Dimension

House at the End of the Street

Dark Skies

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Grownups Only

Stranger Things (This is rated PG-14, so suitable for teens as well, but parents will love the perfectly on point 80’s nostalgia)

Sleepy Hollow

Underworld: Awakening

The Ouija Experiment

The Ouija Resurrection

The Exorcism of Molly Hartley

Evil Dead

Child’s Play 2

Child’s Play 3

The Awakening

From Dusk till Dawn

The Walking Dead


Rear Window

Want some more Halloween fun? Check out our Mega list of over 700+ Halloween Pumpkin Carving stencils!

Find more on Netflix

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the best family movies and shows on Netflix Canada this Halloween

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