When I was a little kid, we lived out in the country. We had two channels on our TV. Sometimes, if the weather was just right, we could wiggle the rabbit ears (remember those!) on our TV to get a third station in grainy black and white.
When my Mom’s favorite show, WKRP in Cincinnati, came on every week, we’d all gather around the TV at promptly 8:30 pm. I’d click the dial and wiggle the rabbit ears until Loni Andersen’s perfectly coiffured platinum hair appeared.
Tip! Want to solve squabbles over what to watch before they start? Check out this fun Netflix spin wheel craft that will choose for you!
Wow, we’ve come a long way since then, and not just in terms of hairstyles.
Today, we’re definitely no longer tied to someone else’s schedule when it comes to watching TV and great movies. Netflix Canada gives us the opportunity to stream what we want, when we want.
It’s so wonderful to have that choice!
We’ve had a little trouble getting our little eight year old ready for school in the morning. She’s not a morning person, just like her Dad and me! So, we told here that if she’s ready for school by 8:10, then she can watch whatever she wants on Netflix for 10 minutes before we leave for school.
Just like magic, our mornings of struggling to get her dressed, fed and ready for school ended. From the very first day we tried this, she was finished in time, happy, and enjoying her 10 minutes of morning cartoons.
Netflix and flexibility for the win!
I love being able to cue up one of my favorites whenever I want. When the kids and I want to relax on a hot summer afternoon, I’ll stream Star Trek: The Next Generation on Netflix, and we’ll all enjoy seeing the antics of Jean-Luc, Riker, Data, Geordie and Wesley Crusher.
Later at night, when the kids are in bed, I love to watch a great adult-oriented show like Netflix’s own House of Cards or the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.
Want to check out some fun new shows coming in June?
Little Witch Academia
Season 1 starts June 30 on Netflix Canada!
World of Winx
Season 2 starts June 16 2017.
Free Rein
Season 1 starts June 23!