A picky eater is the bane of many a meal time. In our house, we have one extremely fussy eater which often makes dinner a struggle. Coming up with something semi-healthy and quick to cook isn’t always easy but here are my four go to meals for our difficult eater.
Quick and Easy Fish and Chips
For my picky eater who only likes “white foods”, I find it easiest to have frozen foods to hand that I know he will like. Fish and chips always works well for us but I like to keep it healthy and free from frying. If fish isn’t a favorite, sub in a chicken tender or two instead.
Buying an air fryer was of the best decisions I made for getting food on the table for my picky eater in a hurry. It meant I can prepare a normal meal for the rest of the family and quickly put some fish fingers and oven fries in the air fryer for Mr Fussy at the last minute. The air fryer makes amazing fat free fish and chips in under 10 minutes.
Tofu Cubes and Rice
Tofu is one of the blandest, most inoffensive foods on the planet. It’s plain but packed with protein so is great for fussy eaters. Cubing up a block of tofu is an easy way to feed a picky kid a healthy dinner, particularly if they don’t like meat.
Simply cube the tofu and pan fry on each side with a little oil. Or you can put it in the air fryer on a piece of parchment paper. Coating the tofu in a little cornstarch, salt and pepper before cooking makes it extra crunchy and yummy.
My fussy eater likes it served with steamed rice and a separate bowl of dipping sauce, either satay or teriyaki works for him but whatever your kid can tolerate is fine.
Filled Filo Quiche Parcels
Filo pastry makes anything taste better! We like to fill ours with quiche-like ingredients and bake in the oven. For the kids, we keep it simple and do chopped bacon, eggs and a little salt & pepper. Cooking them separately rather than as a whole quiche means the kids can eat a simpler version of what the adults have for dinner.
Breakfast for Dinner
If all else fails, we simply do breakfast for dinner. Especially if it’s been a long busy day and the time for meal prep just isn’t there. Bacon, scrambled eggs and sausage. Boom, dinner on the plate in under 10 minutes! Chocolate peanut butter smoothies with hidden spinach for dessert and we are done!
What are your suggestions for simple, healthy meals that picky eaters can enjoy?
Thanks for posting this informative article…!!! I am very much impressed by the article…!!!
Thank you for sharing these wonderful recipes with us! Can`t wait to try some of them right away!!