Entertainment Book App Review – Can it Save you Money?

by M Caroline Kosman
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Entertainment Books Review and Giveaway

Our Entertainment Book App Review for the Google Play and iPhone Entertainment book app.

Remember the Entertainment Coupon Books?

See the deals for your area on Entertainment.com now.

For as long as I can remember, schools and groups around my city have sold these as fundraisers. The books have always been packed with coupons for grocery stores, movies, shopping, travel restaurants and more.

Then, for a while, I didn’t hear much about them. Well, it turns out that the company was purchased by the son of the original founders in 2013.

And it seems that they’ve been busy making some really great changes. Check out our entertainment book app review, below.

Entertainment Book App Review

We’re huge tech lovers, so I was thrilled to see that the Entertainment.com coupons are now offered on their website, and on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

Here’s what I thought was the coolest thing about the Entertainment book app:

The Entertainment book app gives you access to specific online coupons all across the US and Canada.

That’s a fantastic deal. We travel quite a bit, and having access to coupons for local restaurants and attractions wherever we go is a huge bonus.

Testing the Entertainment Book App


To test the app for our entertainment book app review, I took my trusty smartphone down to my local bakery to use a 50% bakery goods coupon. Oh, the things I do for you, my readers :).

To redeem the coupon, I just fired up the Entertainment.com app, and clicked the Redeem on Mobile button. You also have the option to print or email the coupon if you prefer.

From there, the cashier clicked the coupon as redeemed on my phone, and voila, tasty bakery treats for me!

Smooth as silk.

You can use the mobile app filter your offers to show only offers within a certain distance of your house, or only in a specific category. You can also search for specific names, or browse deals alphabetically.

If you’re old school, you can still get paper Entertainment.com books packed with coupons.

What we didn’t like about the Entertainment book app

Unfortunately, we’ve run into retailer staff who don’t seem to know about the Entertainment book app. When we show them the coupon, they aren’t able to take it, because they say they don’t know about it.

I’m not sure how to deal with this, other than to maybe try to talk to a manager.

Luckily, this is pretty rare!

About Entertainment.com

There are 100 local editions across the U.S. and Canada. Each coupon book is filled with thousands of premium 2-for-1 and up to 50% off coupons on dining, grocery, movies, shopping, travel and more.

Here are a few of the coupons in my Entertainment.com app:

  • Michaels’ craft stores – 40% off any regular price item
  • Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt – Buy one frozen yogurt, get a second free
  • Carl’s Jr – Buy one, get one free
  • Red Robin Gourmet Burgers – free towering onion rings with purchase or 2 burgers or entrees, or $5 off $20 purchase
  • Fabutan – $10 off tanning
  • Aeropostale – $10 off $50 or more
  • The Golf Centre – BOGO Bucket of balls for driving range

See the deals for your area on Entertainment.com now.

You can download the Entertainment.com app for your iPhone or iPad, or download on Google Play for your Android device. 

Looking for another great app? Check out our GoHappy app review, our Plantsnap app review, and our Talking Anya app review.


Disclosure: We received an Entertainment.com app membership to try for this review.

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Joanne Saunders May 31, 2014 - 10:56 am

I live in Toronto, so that’s the city I’m going to say.

Leah B June 2, 2014 - 11:04 am

Seattle, WA!

Hollie June 2, 2014 - 1:25 pm

Virginia Beach

Mary A June 2, 2014 - 7:35 pm

Vancouver, WA and it probably comes combined with Portland, OR

Tasha June 2, 2014 - 10:07 pm

I would love to see coupons for Edmonton, Alberta! 😀

Holly @ Woman Tribune June 7, 2014 - 4:54 pm

I am so used to nothing ever being available near where I live. I checked the Entertainment.com website with my zip code and there are savings available for my teeny tiny town. But the biggest city near me is Scranton, PA, so that would work!

Michelle F. June 9, 2014 - 8:07 pm

I would love it for NYC.

Laura Smith June 13, 2014 - 11:43 pm

I won and am super excited thank you so much


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