Whistlefritz Review of Spanish for Kids

by M Caroline
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This is our Whistlefritz review. My kids are slowly learning Spanish.

There isn’t a Spanish immersion school where we live, or even a good Spanish tutor, so the task of teaching has fallen mostly on my shoulders.

Sabor Spanish Learning Songs by Whistlefritz

That’s why as was thrilled when Whistlefritz approached me to review their Sabor – Spanish Learning Songs. Sabor is the latest in Whistelfritz’s award winning Spanish for Kids series.

Whistlefritz Review: Spanish for Kids

We decided to test the CD during a long road trip. About 3/4 of our way through our road trip, after countless stops for snacks and pee breaks, and countless gas fills, Sabor seemed like a great way to get a little education and entertainment.

Honestly, I was a little worried that the CD might start to drive me crazy after a while. After all, there aren’t many kids songs that you can take more than once.

See Spanish for Kids: The Ultimate Collection (5 DVDs, 3 CDs) on Amazon now.

I’m happy to say that my hubby and I enjoyed it so much we were actually singing along with the songs, and the kids would pipe in for the choruses. We must have listened to the Sabor CD at least five times on our trip, and I can say I’d do it again.

The kids especially loved some of the more basic songs like “Uno, Dos y Tres” and “Mi Día (My Day)” to “En El Rancho de MacDonald (Old MacDonald)” and “Cuando Sea Grande (When I’m Big)”.


As a beginning Spanish learner myself, I loved that there was a translation guide included with the CD, making it a lot easier to understand some of the words and phrases I wasn’t familiar with.

Our bottom line: Sabor is a fun way to supplement your kid’s (or your own) Spanish learning, with songs that are catchy and fun to sing along to.

We got a physical CD for review, but you can also get Sabor as a digital download.

See Spanish for Kids: The Ultimate Collection (5 DVDs, 3 CDs) on Amazon now.

More about Sabor Spanish learning Songs and Whistlefritz

Whistlefritz Spanish products include more Spanish CDs, as well as Spanish DVDs, Spanish lesson plans for PreK and Elementary, as well as fun Spanish matching memory cards.

Whistlefritz also offers French DVDs, CDs, lesson plans and games.

See Spanish for Kids: The Ultimate Collection (5 DVDs, 3 CDs) on Amazon now.

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1 comment

Shannah @ Just Us Four July 9, 2014 - 5:15 pm

This looks really fun!


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