
I love Halloween.
But I don’t always love all the candy that my kids pick up when they’re trick-or-treating.
Honestly, a lot of it goes to waste. On top of that, I’d love to see a little less sugar consumed.
So, I’m so thrilled to bring a fun list of non-candy Halloween treats for trick or treaters coming to your door this year.
Even better, these are all fun items that cost less than 25 cents a piece!
Shipping is free on most of these items with Amazon Prime or a $35 purchase.
Glow-in-the-Dark Assorted Critters
Free Shipping with Amazon Prime
Halloween Pencil Top Erasers
Glow Stick Bracelets
Sticky Hands and Feet
Assorted Halloween Accessories
Glow-in-the-Dark Bouncing Ball
Deluxe Assorted Pencils
Crazy Assorted Eye Patches
Mini Glow Sticks
Assorted Plastic Stamps
Want more Halloween fun? Check out our 700+ FREE Halloween Pumpkin stencils, or our DIY Halloween cupcake topper printables. We even have some great Disney costumes for boys and girls.