Would you like to get your product or service in front of thousands of blog readers and social media followers?
At The Parent Spot, we’re accepting submissions for a limited time for our 2017 Holiday Gift Guide. We’re looking for the very best gifts for her, for him, for the kids, and the home, and we’d love to hear from you!
We have several options available this year.
All services include:
A listing with an image on our main Holiday Gift Guide page through to the end of December, which includes a link to purchase and links to social media, and promotion of the Holiday Gift Guide on social media.
We promote the gift guide heavily throughout the holiday season on social media. It is also featured on our home page through the Christmas season for last minute shoppers.
Feature with review blog post
We review and test your product or service in a custom blog post. A feature review includes custom photography, a custom write-up and social media promotion. This also includes an image and listing on the holiday gift guide page. Review spaces are extremely limited, so contact us as soon as possible. Please contact for pricing.
Feature blog post
You can have your product or service featured in a blog post, including images and social media promotion. This also includes an image and listing on the holiday gift guide page. Please contact for pricing.
Giveaway post
We adore giveaways at The Parent Spot! This option gives you a 200 plus word writeup about your product or service, plus we will host a giveaway for you. We also promote your giveaway on our social media! This also includes an image and listing on the holiday gift guide page. You are responsible for providing the prize, and for shipping your prize to the winner. Please contact for pricing.
Gift Guide listing only
This is our most basic option, and includes an image and listing on the holiday gift guide page. This comes with a link to purchase and links to social media and promotion of the Holiday Gift Guide on social media. Please contact for pricing.
What categories do we include? Almost anything, but these are some of our most popular!
- For her
- For him
- Kids
- Teens and pre-teens
- Electronics and tech
- Home
- Movies and entertainment
- Toys
- Video Games
- Travel
- Much more!
Reach out soon, as spaces are extremely limited!
If you’re interested in being featured, reach out to M. Caroline at admin@theparentspot.com or through the contact form below.
[si-contact-form form=’1′]
If you’re interested in future gift guides, mark them on your calendar!
Gift Guide Dates
Valentine’s Day January 15 to February 15
Easter (one month before Easter Sunday)
Mother’s Day April 16th – April 18th (approx.)
Father’s Day May 21st – June 21st
Back To School August 1st to Labor Day
Holiday Gift Guide – Thanksgiving through the New Year!