The Dyson Ball Animal 2 Review for Family and Pet Hair Mess

by M Caroline Kosman
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This is a Dyson Ball Animal 2 review for a family of four with pets.

The Dyson Ball Animal 2 Review for Family and Pet Hair Mess

As a busy Mom, I sometimes think that my entire home is covered in pet fur, cooking spills, and kid-made messes!

Lucky me, my hubby loves to bake, but not many days go by before there’s a spill of puffed wheat, or sugar, or something.  And I have to admit that I’m always personally tracking in leaves or dirt from the back yard.

And no matter how much I clean, it seems like there’s cat or dog fur in every crevice. Seriously, how much fur do those little critters have? Check out our full review of the Dyson Ball Animal 6 in this article, on the best Dyson vacuum for pet hair?

See prices and more for the Dyson Ball Animal on Amazon here now.

Dyson vacuum animal cleans up family messes

Sometimes the kids make the messes. Since my lovely daughter loves to craft, I occasionally find glitter scattered under the kitchen table. I bet all you parents shuddered at the thought of that! My son is particularly fond of dropping potato chip crumbs all over the carpet as we watch a movie.

What’s a Mom to do?

Over the years, I’ve learned a few tips that make cleaning easier and more efficient. Getting everyone to pitch in helps a lot (especially since they make many of the messes!). Cleaning up as soon as there’s a mess is essential, as it keeps the mess from being tracked all over the house.

All of that helps a lot, sure, but the best thing we’ve ever done is to get a quality vacuum. We’ve had a Dyson V6 Absolute for a few years, and love how lightweight it is, and how great it is at keeping our floors clean.

So, when PTPA and Dyson reached out to get us to try the new Dyson Ball Animal 2 Vacuum, we jumped at the chance.

Dyson Ball Animal 2 unboxed
The solution to our cleaning problems: Dyson Ball Animal 2 Vacuum

Since only the Dyson Ball Animals 2 has the strongest suction of any vacuum, it is the perfect choice to tackle our family sized mess!

Remember that puffed wheat spill that I was talking about earlier? Well, we’d just managed to unbox our Dyson, and snap it together (which took all of five minutes, seriously!), and our first baking spill hit the floor. Check out our unboxing video below! For a few more details, see our Dyson Ball Animal 2 Review for pet hair here.

Now, I loved puffed wheat squares, but I definitely don’t love puffed wheat all over our kitchen.

Dyson Ball Animal 2 sucking up wheat puffs

Luckily, the new Dyson Ball Animal 2 Vacuum was ready to clean up. In about five seconds flat, got rid of our mess.

Dyson Ball Animal 2 wide

We have an older house, and it’s a four level split, with different floor types on each level. There’s a wild and crazy mix of new carpet, old carpet (including a white carpet a previous owner decided would be perfect for the main family room – don’t get me started on that one!), vinyl, wood, and cement.

I’m thrilled that the Dyson Ball Animal 2 has a cleaner head that self adjusts to go from carpet to hard floor and back again, sealing in suction the entire time with its active base plates. For carpet, the powerful motorized brush bar has stiff nylon bristles that dig in deep to pick up ground in dirt and dust. For hard floors,  soft nylon bristles pick up microscopic dust and spills.

See prices and more for the Dyson Ball Animal on Amazon here now.

Now, I’m the kind of person who just doesn’t notice a lot of messes. My hubby, not so much. As soon as we had our shiny new Dyson unwrapped, he went from cleaning up spilled puffed wheat to trying out the extension tool on the cobwebs hanging from our ceiling. I love that man.

Dyson Ball Animal 2 stick combination tool

What’s crazy is how long the flexible vacuum hose is on the Dyson. As he was cleaning the ceiling, the hose just kept extending and extending.

So, being the nerds we are, we grabbed a tape measure to see exactly how long it could extend. It was well over 12 feet, and stretched all the way from our foyer, through the office, and to the very far office wall. Now that’s a lot of stretch. It almost made it outside to the hot tub! When he was done, the vacuum hose snapped right back in place on the handle.

Dyson Ball Animal 2 extension length

Is there someone or a pet with long hair in your house? Know how brush bars tangle when hair gets wrapped around the bars of most vacuum cleaners?

That won’t happen with the Dyson Tangle-Free Turbine that you attach to the wand, since this tool has snazzy counterrotating brushes that pull the hair through the middle of the tool. I’m not completely sure how it works, but it means that you won’t find hair wrapped around the tool! It’s perfect for couches and stairs.

Tip:  We haven’t had a chance to try it yet, but the Dyson Ball Animal 2 comes with a Dyson Groom Tool. It’s supposed to be the perfect way to clean up the fur and dander off your dog before it gets all over the house. Sounds like heaven to me.

Sure, he’s a handsome guy, but he’s also loves getting his cat fur everywhere. And I mean everywhere in the house.

Want to learn more?

See prices and more for the Dyson Ball Animal on Amazon here now.

You can follow Dyson for the latest updates, deals, and news on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Dyson Ball Animal 2 shipping weight in Canada

The net weight of the Dyson Ball Animal 2 only is 17.39 lbs or 7.89 kg. The weight of the Dyson Ball Animal 2 plus box and attachments is 24.58 lbs  (11.15 kg).

The box itself is 36″ long x 10 1/2″ x 11 1/2″.

Dyson Ball Animal 2 in box

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