10 Tips for Getting Affordable Auto Insurance for Your Family

by M Caroline
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Here they are: our 10 tips for getting affordable auto insurance for your family.

Love the road trip? So do we. It’s so much fun to hop in the car, turn on the tunes, and cruise down the highway in search of family adventure.

But before you go, there are a few things to sort out: packing the car, getting it roadworthy, and getting good auto insurance.

In fact, getting good auto insurance is crucial, as an accident can cost your family a lot of money if you’re not insured. That said, there’s no need to pay a fortune for travel insurance, so we’ve compiled some helpful tips for saving money.

10 Tips for Getting Affordable Auto Insurance for Your Family

Whether you’re insuring the family mini van, a tiny smart car, or a SUV, these tips should help save you money on travel insurance.

Tips for how to save money on auto insurance #insurance #tips

1. Find Quotes Online

Although you might think that the closest insurance office you can find in your city will provide you with the cheapest car insurance, that’s usually not the case. To find better options, start checking online and comparing insurance quotes to determine which insurance policy and coverage ensures lower costs.

2. Be Careful How You Choose Your Car

Whether you need a new pickup truck, or you’re interested in buying a family car, it’s important to be aware that vehicles with certain qualities and features are harder and more expensive to insure than others. For the cheapest plans, avoid large engines, AWD systems and expensive electronics.

3. Choose the Best Insurance Companies

Top-rated insurers are usually the ones that offer you the best value for your money. If you want the best premiums, and you’re on a tight budget, look up reviews and testimonials to find out which insurers are fair and helpful when it comes to claims, and which ones are known to jack up your premium when you get injured in an accident.

Quaker State Oil on truck Car hood

4. Keep Your Driving Record Clean

If you have a record of unsafe driving, speeding tickets and accidents, your rates can be severely affected. To make insurance companies trust you, drive safely and avoid even minor crashes.

5. Expand Your Driving Knowledge

Driver safety courses are all the rage nowadays, and for good reason. Not only do they offer inexperienced drivers good advice on how to stay safe and employ preventive driving practices, but they can also get you a lower car insurance premium.

6. Use Anti-Theft Devices

Even though most cars come with a standard security system, it’s always best to be safer. Insurers know this, and they use low premiums to encourage drivers to use advanced anti-theft devices to avoid having their cars stolen.

Wiping down the car Organizing our Car with Canadian Tire

7. Hunt for Discounts

Discounts are available with many insurance plans. Some car insurance companies will give you an excellent discount if you’re a student, an older driver who took a refresher course or a member of various affinity groups.

8. Keep a High Credit Score

Aside from a low interest mortgage, a higher credit score can also get you a lower auto insurance premium. For best results, check and correct credit report errors, improve your finances, and ask your insurer for an exception.

9. Report Your Mileage

Understandably, people who drive less pay less on insurance. If your average mileage per year is lower than 12,000 miles, talk to your insurer, and you might get as much as 10% off on your premium.

10. Use the Same Insurance Company for All Your Vehicles

Multi-vehicle insurance has long been known as a viable means of securing lower insurance premiums. If you, your spouse and your children all own cars, SUVs or pickup trucks, ask your insurance company about multi-vehicle discounts and savings.

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Ashley Turns January 22, 2018 - 4:23 pm

Thanks for mentioning that getting anti-theft devices for your vehicle could mean that we’ll get a lower premium on our auto insurance. My husband and I are in need of some new coverage for our cars, and we are wondering how to find the best price. Since we want to keep our vehicles safe anyway, we will definitely have to get some anti-theft devices to also save on our auto insurance.

Andrews Lynn January 26, 2018 - 3:11 am

I was searching these kinds of information about auto insurance for my family. Reading your post, I have gathered several important knowledge about insurance. Thanks for sharing this excellent article with us.

dana July 7, 2018 - 11:55 pm

One of the main concerns for most families is the (small) household budget. There are many families make it a point to find the cheapest car insurance rate possible since saving money is so initially. According to my knowledge, the insuring more than one car on their insurance policy can save a family up to 20% on their car insurance premium ?


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